Planning the Project - STEAM
2. What is STEAM
Having identified an inquiry focus, final product, inquiry question and possible ore-investigation activities, it is necessary to identify cross-curricular opportunities in the delivery of the project. To this end, the STEALTH project promotes a STEAM methodology approach.
For the purposes of this project, the STEAM approach to teaching and learning is defined as application of meaningful Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics content to solve realworld problems and do so through hands-on learning activities and creative design. Teachers should therefore consider the suggested activities in the 2nd Element and 3rd Element of the Toolkit (Investigating Nutrients in Food - Page 37) as well as activities of their own so as to:
- Clearly provide opportunities across the STEAM disciplines
- Align with the inquiry focus
- Lead to the realization of the final product
- Seek to fulfill the inquiry statement
Science, Technology, Engineering The Arts and Mathematics are not, therefore, regarded as separate and discrete subjects. Instead, STEAM integrates them into “interdependent” learning units to solve problems and facilitate successful inquiry. Despite this, it is clear that some inquiry activities may not lend themselves to all STEAM subjects while others focus more specifically on two or three. It is the delivery of a range of activities across different areas of investigation that ultimately allows for a real STEAM approach.