Chaos Versus Harmony
Требуемые условия завершения
4. Class Rules
Suppose students experience inappropriate reactions from the teacher or their classmates, their ability to distinguish between right and wrong may be blurred. Understanding the students is crucial in achieving a consistent empathic behavioral pattern and a place where they can feel safe and secure. Therefore, it can be a good idea to have rules in class about ensuring the best possible circumstances for well-being and a behavioral
framework that everyone can lean on.
Community, co-responsibility and cohesion.
(No materials needed)
The teacher says:
Together with the students, the teacher works out some class rules on how they can be good classmates. They can create a healthy and caring classroom environment for everyone to feel accepted and confortable in the class.
Talk to the students about class rules. Use the following questions:
What are class rules?
- Can rules be different in different contexts?
- Why are class rules important?
Divide the students into groups of 3-4 students. Let the groups work on the following questions:
Describe one situation where a class rule could be necessary (e.g., when eating, talking during class, recess, feeling upset, need help).
- Why is it essential in this situation?
What should the class rule be?
- Have students present their suggestions to each other by writing it down, drawing it, constructing it in LEGO, or showing it as drama.
- Formulate based on the students’ suggestions 5-7 class rules, which correspond to your own wishes about class rules.
- Tell students that you have formulated a draft class rule based on their suggestions.
- Review the class rules for students. Describe any connections and similarities between the groups’ different proposals.
- Invite students to a joint talk about whether the class rules are comprehensive or if something important is missing - something you have overlooked in their suggestions. The adjustments are made jointly.
- The class rules are copied, laminated, and made visible in the classroom.
The class rules are passed on to the parents at the next opportunity or via the schools communications tool.
Knowing that the rules are made jointly create a sense of security in the classroom, as everyone knows what to relate to.
It is possible for the teacher to adjust the rules together with the class during the year if needed. Rules should not be seen as inflexible and rigid, but as a common frame of reference that everyone in the class can relate to and lean on.