نیازمندیهای تکمیل
This book is based on the work of iben, Dissing, Sandahl
9. Intellectual Competence
Across Cultures
Intercultural competence is about how to seethings differently and how it is difficult to define a singular truth also in schools. Reality is always seen from different perspectives, and the societal reality - and thus the reality of the primary school - is multicultural. Therefore, there is a risk of doing the students a severe disservice if the primary school does not incorporate and reflect its teaching diversity, where students can practice getting in contact with their friendliness and compassion.
Intercultural competence supplements and expands empathy as a way of being for students and teachers. It gives a better understanding of cultural norms, binaries, the class, the teachers, and the school as a whole. Interculturalcompetences also help to adapt to new work environments and prevent culture shock while enhancing cultural awareness, knowledge, and practical skills. Intercultural competences are not a subject that takes time and weight from other subjects. It is a pedagogical approach that considers the student-base in the primary school and incorporates the multicultural as a resource. Thus, the strengthening of knowledge and professionalism is still at the forefront. More importantly, the pedagogical approach is adjusted so that it further qualifies professionalism and the acquisition of knowledge.
Teaching empathy in an intercultural environment requires a shift in the teaching approach, from a didactic model (teacher to student) to a dialogic model. The teacher must facilitate a classroom environment where students can engage with issues through questions that demand discussion, curiosity, critical thinking, openness and tolerance. Motivate students to engage in intercultural interactions to help them make sense of their environment and advance their understanding of intercultural interactions.
This kind of environment will give a better understanding of the students, break stereotypes and make it easier to act empathically. Intercultural competences complement empathic skills like self-awareness, self management, and good communication skills. They also promote interpersonal and situational sensitivity. It is all about teachers accommodating perceived student differences while focusing on the similarities between students.
According to Jensen (2013), intercultural competencies are closely related to social-emotional-competencies. She lists three aspects of
intercultural competencies:
1. Social-emotional competencies (empathy)
2. Knowledge about cultures (one’s own and others)
3. Knowledge about discrimination and cultural conflicts